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Microsoft Fabric (English)

Microsoft Fabric (English)

Microsoft Fabric, introduced on May 23rd, has moved Microsoft into a new era in enterprise analytics. Operating within Move and closely aligned with the Business Intelligence sector, our hands-on experience with MS Fabric equips us to evaluate its practical implications, offering valuable insights for the domain of data analytics for our clients.

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This integrated analytics solution consolidates a wide spectrum of data analytics tasks, covering data movement, data engineering, data integration, data science, real-time analytics, and business intelligence, all within a unified platform. The significance lies in eliminating the need to piece together disparate services from various vendors, resulting in a streamlined analytics experience.

MS Fabric simplifies analytics by presenting components from Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory within a unified environment. This simplifies the user experience and promotes an overall understanding of the analytics process.

MS Fabric offers several key advantages, including a great collection of deeply integrated analytics tools, user-friendly interfaces for collaborative work, efficient asset reusability, the flexibility to use preferred analytics tools while keeping data in its original location, and centralized governance for enhanced data security. It enables IT teams to centrally configure enterprise capabilities, with permissions automatically applied across services, and data sensitivity labels inherited automatically to enhance data governance.

MS Fabric encompasses tailored analytics experiences for various tasks, including data engineering, data factory, data science, data warehouse, real-time analytics, and Power BI. The platform can help organizations and individuals to convert complex data repositories into actionable insights, following the data mesh architecture.

Combining OneLake and lakehouse architecture, MS Fabric introduces a unified repository on Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2, a hierarchical management structure, easy integration of existing storage accounts, shortcuts for efficient data sharing, and intelligent caching to reduce costs and enhance data accessibility.

Based on my personal experience with MS Fabric so far, what impresses me is the unified environment and the all-in-one platform that enhances navigation. The seamless transitions within MS Fabric, such as switching from Power BI to Data Factory or from Stream Analytics to Data Engineering, are significant improvements for the user experience of working with these solutions. This reduces the time spent juggling between various browsers and logins while creating customized integrations and solutions for internal projects here at Move and for our partners.

Within Move, we are happy to utilize the advantages of this integrated solution to simplify our workflows, enhance our solutions, and drive innovation in data analytics, for the benefit of our clients. As we continue to use MS Fabric, both within Move and in collaboration with our clients, we invite you to join us on this journey. Reach out to us here at Move for in-depth discussions, workshops, or collaborative assignments endeavors, and together, we can create useful solutions for you!

Please note that the GA (General Availability) version of Microsoft Fabric is not available at this time; only the build/preview version are currently accessible.

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